Tradition Tuesday: Non-Newsworthy, Totally Unbiased Miscellany
We here at the House of Georges, in addition to our devotion to publishing images of
some of the worst "professional baseball players" currently on a big-league payroll, remain steadfast in our insistence that the rough focus of this blog centers on the rivalry between the Kansas City Chiefs (wept about by yours truly) and the Denver Broncos (hurrahed by Cecil and Old No. 7). It is, in fact, unfair that it's two versus one, but once KC gets that second Super Bowl win we'll even out the delegation likely keep doing it the same, tiresome way.
Eight years ago, The Tradition was born. It's one in which Bronco fans travel out to the Truman Sports Complex with their team, and Chief lovers return to the Rocky Mountains with theirs. We tailgate -- that is, consume ridiculous amounts of smoked meast and PBR cans, Peppermint Schnapp's-laden hot chocolate, if it's a Wives Game -- we talk massive amounts of shit, occasionally, our wives get assaulted by rival fans, and we almost always watch the visiting team lose. It's a grand old time.
Here at the HoG, we're going to keep The Tradition going with Tradition Tuesday--a weekly state-of-the-rivalry address.
Today's installment of the tradition will be a bit different. Actually, they all are, but who's keeping tabs. I've compiled a bit of a sports hodgepodge that may or may not be interesting, but somehow, each tidbit will return to the main vein of Seven's clogged vas deferens the post. We're bursting with headliney flavor. Just after the jump.For starters, the Kansas City Chiefs, in lieu of making free-agent signings and paying attention to unimportant things like draft-day preparations, have managed to trim down the talent roster in at least one regard. Elsewhere in Chiefs news...(handed a bulletin tabbed "urgent")...right. Nothing else is happening in Chiefs news. That is, this guy, and these dudes keep plugging away with their mock drafts, so check in with them for extensively onerous tasks this professional sports blogger is far too lazy to tackle. Other things our fellow Chiefs bloggers have uncovered include this fantastic piece of non-laziness, and this baffling/hard-to-believe piece of speculation, courtesy of Arrowhead Pride, and Arrowhead Addict, respectively. In the Addict story, Pat Surtain and Chad Johnson are mentioned in the same paragraph. This of course reminds me of last year's Bengals/Chiefs game where Chiefs play-by-play guy Mitch Holthus recounted a Surtain interception of Carson Palmer with this classic line:
It's intercepted! Dos Tres steps in front of Ocho Cinco, and picks off Carson Palmer!
(Update: Blow me, Adam)
Hey, look: the Royals are tied for first place in the AL Central. Come on. I might not be able to publish that for 363 more days after tomorrow. Gotta take 'em where you can get 'em, no? Back to the scrutinizing work of our colleagues that appear in the Tradtion-Related link list. Our newfound homeys at Bronco Talk uncovered this really
hilarious gay doozy of a story.
And of course, there's always electrifying news spinning at the MyTubes, again courtesy of Bronco Talk.
I haven't bothered to watch what is likely the most reDonculous YouSpace clip ever posted, so somebody out there in Bronco Country -- hurry up, watch it, and never get back to me with a full report.
Best of all, however, is our old-time best friend, Mr. Hercules Rockefeller. Here's a guy that most certainly does not write for the Denver Post, and most certainly is a better, more professional, professional sports blogger than his counterfeiting, likely higher-paid counterpart. Bestest of all, is this, the best piece he has ever written for Orange Bucksnorts. Of course, I'm left with one question for Herc'. And that's this: Do you roll with a L or an XL Brodie Croyle jersey, bro? Just holla' me your size; I'll hook you with road and away.
Finally, if any of you other beautiful readers don't have your gear for Saturday, e-mail us at, and we'll get it hooked up. Thanks to the Dead Spinsters for this one:
Rock Chizzy, you bizzies.
Poor Bill Belicheat doesn't wanna talk about spygate anymore.
You don't wanna talk about cheatin', Bill? Then don't fuckin' cheat dumbass.
The Pats are making silling attempt at politicing their way into owners hearts. It's a rather sad sequence of events really. Kraft gave his "heartfelt" and "apologetic" speech to the owners, and Belicheat complained about his annoyance with being questioned while distancing himself from Walsh.
Where was this concern and aplogetic approach in September? Why not bare your emotions at that time rather than cast your arrogant shadow.
The Pats are fucked. They know it and are doing whatever they can to make it go away.
What do you suppose would go down if evidence was revealed that walk-throughs were taped?
What's the penalty for that?
Goodell doesn't know and he's scared. The NFL's worst commissioner of all time is already pissin' his pants, and Robert Kraft is right there with some depends.
Gestapo Goodell MUST GO!
-- TLR
I'm confused. What blogger are you comparin' Herc to, again?
Um, don't know if he's really a blogger, but check this out for some clarity.
Good stuff fellas, thanks.
As long as I'm not compared to that worthless, horrifyingly unfunny "Predominantly Orange" piece of crap I'm good.
Every single writer on this site is about fifteen times better and more coherent than I...even Bank.
Dude. Like, wow. Thanks, bra. Totally. I suppose this would be a smashingly good time to mention that Seven was the founding father of PO. Oh, and, uh, about that jersey, Herc'? Feel the good side of the force flow into you, HR. Do not be tempted by the trophy-toting "powers" of the Dark Side.
Meet me at the Dagobah System. We'll have some Swamp Bisque and study good-guy history.
I know, but I can rip on PO now that he's gone, right?'s beyond terrible now.
I still remember the ongoing feuds the Independent (that is the Ft. Lewis newspaper, right?) had w/ one of my very close friends.
I did read somewhere that you guys wrote for the Indy, right? It might be the acid talking though.
I'm gonna pass on the jersey, but thanks though.
HR -- it's not the acid. We all in fact were on the Indy staff. And, given that, based on previous commentary exchange, we agree that we were all likely at FLC at the same time, I'd love to hear about this feud, as chances of it involving one, if not, all of us are a solid 115%.
And, yeah. We can totally rip on PO now. It is in fact Predominantly Awful.
TLR. Back in the saddle. Ranting on that douche: Bellicheat. IIIIII....likes it!
The NFL's relationship with the Pats alleged "hegemony" on its Championship games is pretty simple.
Don't mess with the big sellers.
Lays with Olestra. Delicious, zero fat...until your sock fills with your own poop. Saccharin-laced Tab, Diet Rite, Pepsi etc... wonderful, good for you and well... downright deadly.
'07 Patriots.. record-breaking, high flying.... losers. Cheaters and adulterers now, as well.
'08 Royals: 3-0.
Oh Jesus. Yeah, the day of reckoning has arrived....
7, Bank and I all did our best to irritate the kids who were doing actual, productive work on campus. I was even on the Student Senate (!!) for a while. I don't remember much about that. Probably because I was drunk. Who was it?
(Student Senate aside: Holly Van Heusen is working for a Republican state senator, I think, and the blonde senatorial cheerleader gal is/was/dunno the face of the Fox Ski Report for a few years. That used to throw me off when it would pop up on a bar tv in the middle of the day--I'd forget what year it was.)
And yes, PO is teh suck. I mean, good lord.
It was a twice disputed student body president election. His beef was more with Sweeney than anyone else. Sad what happened to that guy, eh?
I'm pretty sure it went like this: My guy won, then was challenged, then lost, then challenged it.
If you know Holly Van Heusen, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. He was also on the student senate and wrote a few articles for the Indy. Highly unpopular articles.
I'm kind of hesitant to type out his name because he's Chief of Staff for a US Rep. I don't want to wind up with an FBI file over this.
I think I do. I imagine we all do.
Also: was it Heidi or Holly? Man, I so can't remember anything....
And yes, P.M. Sweeney lives on in our hearts, as well as being my personal reminder to rap knuckles on the bar--you just never know what's comin' at you.
Hopefully he'll get caught by some gay sex ring sting operation conducted by Cheney's mafia sometime and Herc can unmask the identity of this FLC heretic.
For now, all we can do is guess... Steve Maruska?
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