Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We Are Hot Chicks Wednesday: Hodgepodge Heaven

Howdy, partners, and welcome back for another installment. It's Wednesday, and after last week's extravaganza, the tank hasn't quite been refueled. Never to worry, we've got some Garytastic goods for display, but, suffice it to say, it was a bit piecemealed, for lack of a better word. In fact, the word Wednesday fits in nicely with the motifless theme of today. Clicking here and scrolling, for example, leaves two primary impressions. The first is that the days of the week are in some mythological/astrological pattern, associated with the planets, Wednesday being tied to Mercury, named for the ancient Roman god who served as messenger of the gods. And that's neat. The second is that the word Wednesday is akin to wood, and hey -- it don't take no rocket surgeon to decipher that that suits our Woodnesday purposes like a fitted tux. Let's get it on! After the lunge of course.

Amanda Corey

Miss Corey has, as is plain to the eye,

an affinity for wifebeaters, chains and cars.

And the occasional pole. Win, win, win. Win.

Amy Rickards

The stunning Amy spends her down time out in the sticks, and digs on hand-woven skirts. Coincidentally, the House of Georges staff, in its entirety, also is a big fan of nature. And clothes made from it.

Audrina Patridge

Miss Patridge is a jewelry/fashion expert. Sixty percent (plus a complimentary HoG 40%) of the time, she's always a homerun in our park.


Miss Brooke's story has a bit of woe attached to it,

in that she was born without a last name.

We felt sorry for her, so we wrangled up some beads,

an outfit or five for her to don,

and a handsome hat. We're proud of our philanthropic efforts; she's fit in to my afternoon's desires society quite well.

Giorgia Palmas

Everything about Giorgia is sleek. From the spelling of her name,

to her choice(s) of attire, we pledge allegiance to all of her endeavors,

certain that her path in life will leave an impressive wake.

Keeley Hazell

Keeley is the milk to our Cheerio-flavored bowl of Gemma Atkinson (Editor's Note: link safe, music atrocious).

We can never get enough of her, nor should that be expected of us.

Lela Star

Lela Star embodies exotic, especially when the image is doubled.

Melysa Ford

Melysa Ford is patriotic, a HoG salute to her never leaves us feeling troubled,

especially when there's extra cocoa butter involved.

Ursula Mayes

Finally, there's Miss Mayes.

Coverage of her always fascinates us, even in the month of Apriles.

(Salud to our professional organizers and custodial artists.)