Friday, April 18, 2008

Look Kids, Big Ben...Parliament

There. I thought that might get some attention. We've added a handy new feature over yonder in the side bar. When finished reading this post, please participate in said gadget. Relax. It won't be much reading. Really, it won't. It will involve a small investment in the StubTubes, though. And to get there, a click on the ol' "Read More" link, plus a few clicks on "Play" buttons will be required. The House is confident that this is a doable task. Have a look.

The task:

Watch Brian Campbell knock the crap out of RJ Umberger.

I like the Bottom Line stats in this clip, especially since Prince Fielder's in them, and has been popping up here and there on the HoG lately.

Then don't feel sorry for Slava Kozlov once Scott Stevens absolutely drops him.

Try not to let the lifeless look on either face sway any opinion. And don't let Bill Clement fool you into thinking that's Victor Kozlov. It's not. Now go vote!