Wednesday, May 23, 2007

We Are Hot Chicks Wednesday: I Believe the Term is "Ba-Donk-A-Donk"

I didn't really have a theme for today's installment until Old #7 tossed one my way. Well, I thematically imagined myself having to do his job while he whines and complains about having to work, pay taxes and feed the dog. Tough life, I tell ya'.

Sheesh. Anyway, the wife's at the pool, and I'm hogging one of the Best Western's three complimentary computers, so why not talk about buns, right? Good. Glad you're with me.

I have absolutely no idea who any of these girls are. This was merely a fun exercise in which I sought as many ways as possible to do Google image searches on Central American buns, or nalgas, if you will. I figured it would be pretty fun.

And I was right. In addition to going well with hot dogs and hamburgers and the occasional chicken sandwich, buns are fun to stare at, poke, and if you're lucky, squeeze.

Like these. Allegedly, these are Brazilian buns. And obviously, squeezing them would be a bit of a task. Not an unaccomplishable one, but you might bead your forehead with a bit of perspiration.

These, however, smaller handfuls that they are, wouldn't get one quite as worked up if held at gunpoint, and ordered to cozy up to. I'm sure the rest of the folks in the picture might find it a bit strange, but they'd adapt. I'm confident of it.

What exactly is that "covering" her buttocks anyway? A pair of underwear gone wrong? An item meant for the children's department that was accidentally placed in the adult clothing section?

It's a curious article, whatever it is.

There's not much in the way of curiosity about this lovely young lady, though. In fact, one quick glance gives you all the answers you need. She's got a cute bottom. Moving on.

Didn't really catch much scenery like this during the ol' honeymoon, but one can always wish, wonder and hope, right? But of course.

Finally, what better than a good ol' buns sandwich? A display of Buns-o'-Plenty on the buffet, a ferris wheel of buns, even. Buns are great on their own, but much like their counterpart boobs, they're even better when smashed together. Let's hear it for bottoms. Hell, bottoms up, even. Salud.


old no. 7 said...

Since you're always looking for some proof up in da boof:

Also, you forgot to include the Chiefs cheerleaders:

@slushygutter said...

Amanda Beard. Damn. Everyone in the pool! My anchor's away!