Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Peer Non-Pressure

Remember when your mom found condoms in your dresser drawer while "putting away your socks"? Or when your pops discovered a roach in the ashtray of your first car as he took your ride in for a fatherly oil change? Or when your buddy's folks knew you were spending the night solely because you were too hammered to face your own parents?

What was everyone's favorite response? Yep, you guessed it: Everyone else is doing it.

The HoG loves reminiscence. Our guy we don't even know buddy Matt Ufford at
With Leather is like that high school homeboy that de-virginizes the crew on a weekend camping trip by busting out the surprise bag of mushrooms.

Though not solely responsible for all Internets mayhem, Ufford did play a significant role in the alleged steamroll of attention toward Miss Allison Stokke. Apparently, Swiss Family Stokke ain't too thrilled. We'd love to help their efforts to minimize the publicity.

Problem is, we're just too damn weak. We also happen to love pole vaulting. Not quite as much as we love soccer, but a little more than curling. Therefore, we can't.
Tune in next time when we talk about super models Tom Brady bangs, how dumb Michael Irvin is, and how cool hockey is not. Cheers.