Up in the Nosebleeds: Soccer is for Hooligans
Welcome back to Up In the Nosebleeds, the semi-regular, soon-to-be-forgotten feature on the HoG. We’ll give some attention to obscure, niche sports that get pushed aside by the mainstream, like competitive bass fishing, cow tipping and racing.
Think Cheap Seats, only not on ESPN Classic and without the twin brothers who bone each other.
In this edition of UitN, we'll have a look at futbol, or, as we ignorant Americans call it, soccer. A couple of noteworthy items happened over the weekend in the mighty world of soccer.
First, at Soldier Field,

as were many sharply painted dressed fans.
In Major League Soccer play, the defending MLS Cup champion Houton Dynamo staved off the feisty Eddie Johnson and the Kansas City Wizards, allowing the New England Revolution to somewhat solidify its Eastern Conference lead over the New York Red Bulls (not a typo) and Kansas City, while Houston gained some ground on Dallas in the West.
Finally, fan and media voting for the 2007 MLS All-Star game closed today. The contest will pit the MLS All-Stars against the Scottish Premier League Champions Celtic FC at Dick's Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City, Colorado,

a measty matchup not to be missed, as Colorado is home to only intelligent fans, hot slender women, and honest-to-goodness athletic competition.
That's it for this installment of Up in the Nosebleeds. We'll now open the comment box for you hoardes of mad, raving soccer fans to show us how all things soccer really done.
I think all tournaments featuring finely painted broads should take place at Dick Stadium in Comerce City.
How could you leave out the Becks photo op with Reggie Bush? BECKS!?!
And in the Premiership, something happened with Thierren Henry and Ronal-deen-yo, and that went uncovered too. And Kaka? We're going to run a soccer post and not slip in a gratuitous Kaka reference? Bullshit.
As for your ignorant-American slur, I say fuck the rest of the world, especially Canada. I'm already overrun with pretentious douchebags telling me that soccer is so superior and beautiful, and I am tres stupide for not giving a shit about it. Furthermore, my two favorite sites are probably Deadspin and With Leather, and they stick more soccer up my ass than a minivan full of eight-year-olds.
I will now post rapidly and nonsensically until this junk disappears from this site. I hope you enjoy your frequent NASCAR updates. Good day.
The term soccer was actually coined in England, not america.
The US played a good game, and I thought the move to put Ching is was a wise one. It obviously paid off with a PK.
Beasley missed an open net which only added to the bulk of misses the US made over the tournament. While their talent far exceeds their teams from the last 15 years, their youth shows. I am disappointed in their general ability play with some "heart." They lost almost every 50-50 ball against Mexico, were outplayed by Canada, and just can't seem to finish a game.
The story of the tournament was Canada and Guadalupe. I hope to see both of those teams join the US and Mexico in SA 2010.
All in all, I'm pleased with the win, but worried about the future. I think we need a good ass kickin'.
The Lone Reader
P.S. Great photos ... all around.
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