Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Video Game Update

It's quite possible that I am the only man under 40 that does not play video games. That's clearly going to change.

Thanks to basketbawful (via Deadspin) for this one. As a side note, this is my first-ever successful posting of a video clip. The final frontier of blogging has been penetrated, I now have super powers of awesome.


blairjjohnson said...

Dude, that was totally non-woman awesome. Kudos!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your leap forward and initiation into the world of "New Media."
Now will someone teach me how to post a link? and..
What are HTML tags?
Actually, WTF is HTML?

blairjjohnson said...
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blairjjohnson said...
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blairjjohnson said...

Yo, Ding Dong --

You must anchor the link with the "carroted 'a'." You place one before the website, then you type "a href=", place the URL directly after the equals sign, close quotes and then close the anchor with another "carroted 'a'," only this time you place a slash in between the "less than" carrot and the 'a', and finish it with a "greater than" symbol.

HTML=HyperTextMarkupLanguage. You can read more about it at Old No. 7's favorite website WikMyPedia.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the explanation.
Delivered in perfectly comprehensible, non-nerdy terms, nonetheless.
{Sound of imaginary gun cocking, loud bang, then lifeless thump}