We Are Hot Chicks Wednesday: Spring Fever
If you have kids, or work with them, or for any other reason, are around schools on a regular basis, you can feel the summer's-almost here vibe building with each passing week. Hell, sometimes with each passing day. But we're a day away from being finished with April, which is fine by me considering that 80 feet of rain we've gotten this month, and May is a nice time of year. Really. It's when that which has not already bloomed flourishes, when schools let out for the summer, when baseball season really gets underway, and of course, it's the culmination of good ol' wedding season. What's not to love? Oh, and as a totally microscopic, unimportant add-on detail, outfits get skimpier. Not that I'm noticing or anything.
Aisleyne Horgan
What. You thought there was going to be a build-up of sorts? Nope. Not here. Not today. Right to the mustard.
Yeah. We roll in reverse on occasion.
Beatrice Chirita
Word has it that Miss Chirita is in the film industry, which reminds me of one of my favorite spring-time activities: the drive-in movies. Funny, though. The theaters in my town don't appear to be showing any of her features.
I'll have to make a note to check out the On-Demand guide and shred that bill when it comes look around at the Blockbusters and in the NetFlix.
Brandy Brenner
Yep. Now that we've almost completely shaken off the cold of winter, it'll be goin' out-on-the-town time.
Brittany Fuchs
Sometimes, an activity comes to mind just by the mere mentioning of a name. Funny how language works.
Brittany Marie
But there're also plenty of occasions for staying in,
just kickin' it at home.
Carlie Christine
There's summer school too, for those that are either bad students, or determined ones.
I vote for determined.
Wait. Bad. I vote for bad.
Christie Cavalli
Wait. I vote for badly determined while poolside. Yeah. That's it.
Really, though. There are lots of activities in the outdoors we can partake in, like say, hiking.
That's for the exercise enthusiast. I'd rather work on my tan, and trust me when I say it needs a lot of work.
Diora Baird
I could probably go for some pointers, in fact,
preferably ones with lots of stimulus and visual aid.
But I'm a hands-on learner, too, so don't leave that out.
Diem Nguyen
The peak of spring's a great time, though.
It's time to shed the inhibitions and take on projects.
Jennifer Korbin
Even though it doesn't have anything to do with the outdoors, scrapbooking is a huge hobby of mine.
I've been meaning to get to one particular project wherein I enlist the help of Jennifer.
I don't need help cutting or pasting. I'd just like her input on my scrapbooks. Either that or I'd like to put her in my scrapbooks. Can never remember which.
Joanna Krupa
Maybe I'll use this picture of Joanna as a reminder to get right on that.
Loren Grace
I also need to remember to get the outer windows of the home clean and sparkling,
just in case I'm Graced by the presence of a stranger in exactly that outfit.
Lyndsay Marie
It'll also help me remember to ask Miss Marie to help me test out my bed's headboard for sturdiness.
Nancy Patton
Then of course there's the gardening I need to get to.
There's this one tricky part that's all along this line of bushes, right by that thick stump.
Ragina Patel
But the glories of spring help us remember the cold winters in the basement,
the many days we couldn't just throw on any old thing, but instead layers.
The bright warmth of spring makes us reflect upon those chilly moments,
but not for long,
Sarah Collins
because we too soon are again outdoors with the fresh air,
the brisk breeze,
Veronica Ricci
and the easy-going mentality.
That's it for today. Thanks to our spring-freshening sponsors, Mr. Clean, Lysol, and Forumula 409.
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