Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday Link Thirty

While I'm pondering how best to give word-birth to the Great American Post--watch out for the placenta, it's slippery--here are some links with which to entertain yourselves, you gang of slavering, grunting apes.

This is a week or so late, but if you haven't read Good dog!

A good life lesson.

Both Bronco and Chef fans would be happy with this first round, although I'm not sold on Maybin.

This isn't the best version of this tune, but man, Bob Log III rules.

Everyone is crazy with this Mark Sanchez talk.

Jake Plummer finally breaks his silence--thank God--about the Broncos-Cutler kerfuffle.

Pete Prisco wipes a little Belichick off his chin.

Delicious ghetto burgers.

How did it take so long for this to happen? I demand answers.