We Are Hot Chicks Wednesday: Workin' Out
a contrived version of Bow-Flex,Man. It sure is tough to find time for all those everyday things we like to do. I mean there's the start of the hockey season, baseball playoffs, football's in full swing, the new season of South Park just started. Not to mention tickling the little nephew and drinking and a little more nephew, plus, if you can possibly squeeze them in, work, sleep and food are always obnoxious chores to be crossed off of lists. I suppose time with family should be balanced into the equation as well.
One thing, though, that perhaps gets overlooked more often than it should, is exercise. Exercise, while it might not always be fun, should never be sacrificed because of a tight squeeze in time management. That said, a workout should never be rushed either. There are many important items to inventory when gettin' your sweat on. Let's touch on a few.
Oft-overrated is the concept of loosening up those muscles.
It's always crucial that attention be paid to both the loosening of the upper- and lower-body muscle groups.
Not to mention that pesky core of lower back muscle groups.
Workout pros will also advocate the importance of a comfortable outfit.
Something loose but supportive should be considered when selecting appropriate garb.
While water is the optimum choice of beverage,
a good energy drink can always give you that extra boost.
Choice of Resistance
Whether you choose a type of Nautilus,
good old-fasioned calisthenics,
and resistance against a stationary object are always invaluable, too.
Feeling it Burn
Whether it's one of your thighs,
or both,
the muscle group known as triceps,
your Pectoralis Major,
your Latissimus Dorsi,
your abdominal muscle groups,
or even those pesky love handles
it's important that you feel those muscles working, be it legs
or lower back.
Hitting the Showers
And when it's all said and done, your well-deserved refresher in the locker room will feel worth every ounce of sweat and soreness.
So hit the gym with confidence, but with plenty of pre- and post-workout preparation. Good luck!
(Photos courtesy of those wacky crews at Gorilla Mask, Daily Niner and Bullz-Eye.)
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