Thursday ThumbTubes & YouNails: 11-20-08
Time's of the essence, kids, so let's not waste any of it. After the jump, there's greasy wrestlers, a showering football wife, Food Network zing, and plenty of ThumbTubery/YouNailage to back it up. Let's get crackin'.
Never been a fan of the 'talica, but this is pretty cool:
Can't help but wonder, though, where they got the idea for hitting that board on the way to the tunnel...
The Big Lead looks at some possibilites for a Bill Cowher relocation in 2009.
I might have to shake the shit out of someone since the Chiefs aren't on that list.
They also let us know that this is (former Chief) Denver Bronco center Casey Wiegmann's wife,
to which I have to say, "What?"
I knew about Miss Boatwright some time ago, and had seen pictures of her with Chiefs gear on, and read lines about her being a Chiefs fan.
I was not aware that she wed Mr. Wiegmann, though.
And of course I now wonder if she has a bunch of orange-and-blue crap. Wouldn't suck if she didn't.
The gang over at Hugging Harold Reynolds compares Food Network personalities with NFL quarterbacks. Pretty funny, but mostly, it's an opportunity to ogle Giada De Laurentiis,
which, you know, is fine with me.
Since there are about nine trillion people on the Web doing it, we typically don't post a lot of wipeout videos, but when someone tries to ski a treadmill from behind a fast-moving car, we can't help it.In the heyday of the World Wrestling Federation, I used to watch a ton of wrestling. The WWF was bad-ass, and so were many of its characters. One of which is a former member of The Hart Foundation, and PhillyBurbs has a review about ex-wrestler Bret "the Hitman" Hart's autobiography. My jaw hit the floor when I discovered that a) the book is 592 pages long, b) "Bret is constantly looking after brother-in-laws Davey Boy Smith, Dynamite Kid, and Jim Neidhart.", c) "Dynamite is broke, living in an English ghetto, alone, and sad.", and d) Hitman has a "rocky relationship with Hulk Hogan."
This all left me shocked, mostly for two reasons: 1) I actually felt compelled to order this book, and 2) the Hart Foundation
and the British Bulldogs
are all brothers-in-law? Huh?
Well, consider my mind effed for the day. Oh, well, there's always Big Daddy Drew's Jamboroo to do more of that. I'm out.
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