Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Historically Speaking: Seen Yer Rye Tir

Every once in a while, the news moves me. On most of those occasions, that news is coming from the sports section of a newspaper or a Web site. I woke this morning, and before I'd had my first sip of coffee, felt the peculiar mix of multi-faceted tears well in my eyes. And that came from reading Joe Posnanski's column in The Kansas City Star. Funny thing is, I'm typically so devoid of regular news consumption, that I can't compare the feeling to, well, anything. It's an odd situation, in that there won't be a massive hole, per se, but I don't know that tomorrow, or any day hereafter, I'll ever open the paper again in the same way.

But let's not get too sappy. There's more boring stuff to read, post-jump.

* We go back to 1921 and celebrate a marriage of Steak and Cheese to Pedophiles-- I mean pierogies, as the first play-by-play broadcast of a baseball game was done. Harold Arlin had the honors in calling the Philly-Pittsburgh contest.

* In 1955 on this day, White Sox Manager Marty Marion gave second baseman Nellie Fox the day off after 274 straight starts. Following his brief respite, Fox would start another 798 consecutive games.

* Today in 1967, professional football in America saw a first as the Denver Broncos beat the Detroit Lions 13-7, marking the first American Football League victory over an NFL team.

* The year was 1979 when MLB's Hall of Fame opened the doors to three new inductees: Hack Wilson, Warren Giles, and a fellow by the name of Willie Mays.

* Twenty-nine years ago today New York Met Doug Flynn tied an MLB record as he cracked three triples in one game.

And your Sports Illustrated quote of the day came from the mouth of...

...former Cleveland Browns offensive tackle Doug Dieken who, in 1984, was asked how he imagines he'll be remembered post-retirement. His response: "Holding...No.73."


old no. 7 said...

The only hockey information I ever get comes from this feature. When there's no hockey here, a little part of my soul dies.

old no. 7 said...

And good for Joe, happy for him. Although he's merely jumping from one dying publication and medium ingested only by old people to another dying publication and medium read only by even older people.

The blogs are where it's at, yo.

blairjjohnson said...

Comments, one would hope, might wish to mirror some electrical charges, blood types, and text messages: positive.

Cecil said...

You know what's missing from the blogosphere? Reporting. Actual reporting. It's shifting a bit, as more journalists lose their papers, but honestly, how much raw opinion can we all take?

Sorry, don't know where that came from. Good on Joe, but I'm about to cancel my subscription...

Dylan said...

Good point Cecil.
We definitely are way beyond "Dog bites man" headlines.
There will always be a demand for real news.
At this moment, its being drowned out by: phony Kenyan birth certficates, viagra and good old fashioned American-style porn.
It will reappear in some fashion, hopefully.

old no. 7 said...

I hope the American-style porn reappears as well. Or did I miss the point?

Cecil said...

No, no, that was it.