Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday ThumbTubes & YouNails: 2-12-09

The weather around Kansas City couldn't be any stranger. Come to think of it, nor could this cavern of odd we're lurking in with regard to the sports world. Admit it, it's just plain weird. Or don't, and click ahead for some ThumbTubeage, and YouNailin'.

Hey, look:

The NBA's All-Star Weekend is a mere hours away. Yee. Haw.

The Sporting News has compiled an interesting list of awkward sports interviews. In the mix are some Charlie Hustle,

some Iron Mike,

and some Rocket Sauce:

They also have a pretty flippin' fantastic interview with Will Farrell.

In it are sports, humor, and HBO. What more, besides boobs, could you ask for?

Fawvh gee-uh.

Get ya' dis-counted Fawvh gee-uh, hee-uh.

In notes of the random, bizarre, and randomly bizarre, check out Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman:

SFT Sports wants to know which you value more:

Women or sports?

In news of beisbolistas, MLB Commissioner might try

and suspend Alex Rodriguez. I mean, if we're going to cover the man, it's going to be in this venue. Oh, and while we're on the subject of massive knobs,

apparently the Man-Ram has published a libro. Suh-weet.

On a lighter note, how about some Sesame Street?

You know.

For no reason whatsoever. Word. 'Em. Up.